





Since early age I have created collages. Found bubble wraps, coffee napkins and chocolate foils and other foreign packages inspired me to build sculptures made out of cut and glued paper. The composition was usually done with whatever found. Later on it would evolve into more stylised process, choosing from box of imagery files, which I had ready printed. While scrolling in the internet during my designer work, I would collect many inspiring images. Sometimes I would align the images and play with them for weeks like a puzzle which lives. I would take photographs from the different stages, just to capture this play. Other times I would try to fulfil an idea, but my problem became the outcome. I did not want to mix my collage art with my designer work process.


For me loosing the grip of reality is important part of the artist process. Not being in control is the essence. Creating automatically and destroying to rebuild is the goal to achieve, not the end effect. Of course having pleasant visual to connect with speaks of some kind of meditative serenity. But I suppose through different stages of our lives we portray our feelings and they are not always pretty. Then we know for sure we have let the control of our minds to do it. Paper collage work is like making sand mandala I imagine… I connect with my subconscious and all that surrounds me. Transmitting music, sky, passing thought, absorbing feeling… all plays the hand. When I loose the playfulness and try to be more of the designer arranging something to have pleasing result, than it is turn off for me.


I will continue to make paper collages, by using strictly found materials. Recycling has always been my preferable style and model for work. The hand craft aspect to the paper collage and the limitations on size, visuals, colour are kind of stimulating. The computer tool is at break when the collages shape. This is the moment to free the mind and sometimes to exhibit for fun. In case of interest to collaborate or purchasing details, please contact me.