2 – 14 March 2017
Creat Space, Helsinki, Finland
In 2017 I customized three wedding dresses for exhibition at Creat Space. The Amalgamated Exhibition consisted deuteronomic code inspired occultations with collages, drawings and wedding dresses. The dresses are available with price upon request.
Miss- T
Dress size 34, dyed polyester, ornamented with glass, mirror, ostrich feathers,
fake fur, fake gold chains, wood, metallic spandex and sprayed paint
Knight Rider
Dress size 36, dyed polyester, stitched and ornamented with glass, pearls, feathers, rabbit fur, Moroccan dagger, silver chains, velvet encrusted paletes, Prussian army helmet replica, 200 crystals and LED light sequence.
Dress size 36, dyed polyester lace, stitched with pearls, sequins, metal thread application, lace, iron figure, studded leather bottle shaped bag, laced cone hat covered with ready made shawl with sequins.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the friends who support me in the process: Jason Morrow, Janne Flinkillä, Jasu Salmi, Creat Space Team and everyone who came to the exhibition.